Christ Centered
Jesus calls us to love God with all our heart, soul and strength (Deut. 6:5) and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Our call is to serve our neighbor with excellence as if we were serving Jesus himself.
"Come away to a secluded place by yourselves and rest for awhile"
-Mark 6:31

Outdoor Enjoyment
While living in a rustic cabin community campers will experience arts and crafts, swimming, boating, Bible study, field games, campfires, an overnight, cooking out on an open fire, and of course smores. Other facilities in waterfront, gaga ball, basketball court, nine-square, low challenge course, archery, hatches and more.
Glacier Presbytery Camp
A place for everyone to relax, grow, discover and reflect. Glacier Camp provides programs for all ages from the young to the seasoned. We are know for summer camp, however that is only the beginning. Are looking for a venue for a class, retreat, celebration, wedding or the like? Take a looking at Glacier Camp as that possible venue.
Summer Camp Staff
All our counseling staff are college age or older, and are selected for their Christian commitment, maturity, love of kids, and willingness to grow and share their beliefs. Their Christian faith and guidance helps children of all ages feel loved and accepted in a safe and fun environment.